Monday, June 29, 2015

Bacon Garlic Collards Greens Recipe

Serves 3 as a side dish

1 bundle collard greens (4-5 large pieces/leaves)
3 cloves of garlic
2 slices of thick cut bacon (retains the crisp better)

  • Cut off the stems of the collard greens (the thick white part on the bottom) so that you are left with the leaves
  • Cut the leaves into 2 inch pieces. I like to stack the leaves, cut vertically down the middle, fold then cut down again until I have a 2 inch strip. Then I just cut across to get 2 inch squares.
  • Finely chop the garlic
  • Chop bacon into 1/2 inch pieces.

  1. Heat a heavy bottom pan on medium high heat. Add bacon and cook until crisp. Push bacon to the side and remove excess fat/oil, leaving about 2 tablespoons of fat/oil in the bacon.
  2. Add chopped garlic and saute just until soft
  3. Add the collard greens and cook until wilted

Enjoy! The saltiness from the bacon is enough so that you don't need to add more salt. That smoky salty crunch with a garlicky zing adds great flavor to the collard greens, taking away from the bitterness. A great healthy-ish side dish for bbq or fried chicken!

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