Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ginger Salmon Recipe

Serves 2

1 piece of salmon (4 oz or whatever size you have)
1 small piece of ginger (about one inch knob)
Ponzu sauce

1. Cut salmon in half and season with salt. Julienne ginger.

2. Heat about 2 tablespoons of oil in a pan over medium high heat. Add ginger and stir fry until fragrant (this flavors the oil).

3. Push ginger to the side so it doesn't burn too quickly. Then add salmon to the pan. I prefer my salmon crispy on the outside and flaky on the inside so I pan fry the pieces golden brown on each side.

4. Once salmon is cooked, transfer to a plate, top it with the ginger and drizzle ponzu sauce over it. Ponzu sauce is a Japanese citrus soy sauce and can be found in the Asian aisle of your local grocery store or in the soy sauce section of your local Asian supermarket. Enjoy!

NOTE: I usually serve this as one of the entrees for a family style dinner. The last time I made this, I served it with 2 other dishes -- stir fried greens with garlic and Taiwanese san bei ji (a sweet, salty and spicy chicken dish flavored with garlic, ginger, scallions and jalapenos). I'll be posting those recipes here as well.

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